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Facultade de Filoloxía
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Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
  Literatura Inglesa (XVI-XVII)
Methodologies Description Qualification
Multiple-choice questions 4 multiple-choice tests on the texts the students must read. Each test is worth 0.5 points (2 points total, 20% of the subject). 20
Oral presentation Every student must prepare an essay, and if possible, present it orally in class so that a debate may be established later. The subject will be some aspect of the 8 texts that are to be read. The oral presentation should take about 8-10 minutes. The essay will be about 7-8 pages' long (double spaced). Worth 10 per cent; that is, 1 point. The written version must be sent by December, 15th.
Directed discussion Debate over topics or the oral presentations. Attendance and active participation. The students may be asked to hand out their notes now and then.
Objective test Final exam: an essay, a textual commentary (both on any of the 8 texts) and a short multiple choice test on data provided in the lectures or seminars through the course.
(50%; that is, 5 points out of 10).
NOTE: you need to get a minimum of 2 out of 5 (4 out of 10) to sum this mark to the continuous evaluation mark.
Document analysis Textual analysis done in class. A few will be marked by the teacher. 1.5 points. 15
Guest lecture / keynote speech Active assistance. The student must attend at least to 10 lectures and 18 group classes to get 0.5. He or she will sign on sheets provided. 5
Assessment comments
  • In this subject, what is evaluated is the student´s knowledge of the history of English literature and his/her literary competence at analysing the 8 texts of the corpus using basic literary skills. 
  • The final average mark must be 5 or more to pass . Also 2 out of 5 in the exam, and 2 out of 5 in the continuous evaluation are required.
  •  Those students that do not do commentaries in class, essays etc, have no continuous evaluation marks, so they will have to recover at least two out of 5 points in the second opportunity examination. They may obtain 5 out of 5 in the first opportunity exam (not easy to do), but they would not pass the subject yet.
  • English is the only language used in class and exams.  Mistakes must be avoided. Plagiarism is also forbidden. Borrowing ideas from the teacher and books is understandable, but students must try to do their own research.
  • Those students that cannot do an oral presentation can still present a written version of the essay.
  • When a student for whatever justified reason (illness, etc) cannot do the continuous evaluation pratices he or she must tell the teacher in advance, otherwise he or she will have to wait for the second opportunity evaluation to make up for such parts.
  • Those students who attend and participate in the continuous assessment activities will be eventually considered "No Presentados" (absent from examination) only if they have done less than 25% of the required activities. Otherwise,they will figure as fail even if they do no do the first opportunity exam.
  • Those students that have been given a dispensation must tell the teacher in advance, during the first two weeks of the course.
  • In July the second opportunity evaluation takes place. Those students that have not done or passed the continuous evaluation parts will be given the chance to do so by doing the essays or commentaries necessary. A second 5 point exam is also done at that time for those that failed it earlier or did not take it. That is, the second (July) opportunity will consist of a 50% final exam and 50% activities repeating or replacing (in the case of class assistance) the continuous assessment work. Such activities will be specified once the marks for the first opportunity have been published. For instance, four tests similar to those done during the course will be done on the day of the exam.
  • Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes