Guía DocenteCurso
Facultade de Filoloxía
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Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
  Literatura Norteamericana 1
Methodologies Description Qualification
Supervised projects Two essays requiring an original and critical analysis of selected texts. Essay topic will be chosen either from a set list of questions or in consultation with me. If necessary, the student will be asked to revise his/her essay in order to improve his/her mark. The first essay (500-750 words) will be worth 15% of your final grade, while the 2nd essay (1250-1500 words) will be worth 30%. They must be handed in at set times to be announced during the course.

One take-home exam to be returned the same day it is handed out, halfway through the course. It will consist of an essay question. This exercise is worth 20% of your final mark.

Depth and originality of analysis, as well as consistency and coherence of argumentation, are required. An appropriate level of English is essential. No work will be accepted after the set hand-in date which will be the last day of class.
Document analysis A final exam covering all course work. This will be 20% of your final grade. The exam consists of two short essay questions in which students will be required to analyze selected primary texts on the basis of set topics. Close reading of the texts is essential. 20
Directed discussion Class participation in discussion of texts with short written exercises in response to set readings, both primary and secondary. Short class activities of this sort will be set virtually every week. All exercises and activities will be graded and will form part cumulatively of the 15% awarded in total for this part of your course work. Voluntary oral presentations will be included within this percentage as an imorovement of your final marks. 15
Assessment comments

All evaluated work must score at least 4/10. You must do at least 50% of the work required to be eligible for a final grade. You will be considered as eligible for grading if you have done at least 50% of the required work. If you fail to pass either the final exam, the take-home exam or your essays, these parts must be repeated in the July exam period. Your final grade will be made up in equal parts of the essays (50%: 20% + 30%), the take-home essay/exam (25%) and the final exam (25%). Students with special leave must hand in and pass all written work (2 essays, take-home exam and final exam). Your final grade will be awarded on the basis of the same percentages as during the July exam period.

Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes