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Facultade de Filoloxía
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Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
  Literatura Norteamericana 2
Methodologies Description
Directed discussion Given a relevant and controversial topic from the texts we are reading, students are encouraged to focus on one particular aspect and provide their own interpretations based on the information found in the text.

The purpose is for the students to take sides, and defend their own ideas in front of an audience critically and logically with the help of the text itself or the bibliography chosen by them.
Guest lecture / keynote speech At the beginning of each particular chapter, instructor would provide students with a general socio-historic overview of American society to better contextualize the text we are reading.
The aim is to point at major themes dealt with, brief comparative analysis of characters, as well as a brief but clear comment on narrative techniques used by a particular author.
A power point presentation is usually used, as well as interviews with writers, or documentaries which reflect on the specific literary movement and / or writer.
This lecture-type class is nevertheless dialogic, and students are encouraged to participate with comments and/or questions. The lecturer also provokes the students with questions or "brainstorming-type" warming up before focusing on topic chosen.
Short answer questions This is a "quizz-type" exercise.

Students are given relevant information from texts analyzed in class, briefly identify them, and explain reasons why they thinks they are relevant for the particular text.

Example: From the name of a protagonist, an object, a particular metaphor, or a catchy line.
The purpose of this assignement is for students to go from the particular to the general, and provide their own interpretations.
Document analysis Close-reading and critical analysis of texts.
Long answer / essay questions The purpose of this assignment is for the students to write a comparative essay.
They are given different options, and can choose among topics which focus on form and structure or on specific themes.
At this stage, students should be able to support their ideas with evidence (quotes) from the texts.
No memorization is needed. Essay should be well organized (introd., body, and conclusion), and provide a personal and in-depth comparison.
Students are allowed to use their required texts for this in-class test.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes