Guia docenteCurso
Facultad de Filología
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Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
  Literatura Inglesa (Séculos XVIII e XIX
Methodologies Description Qualification
Guest lecture / keynote speech Two tests (Mid November and the official date of the exam) to assess the students' understanding of the contents of the subjectc. All aspects included in the methodology will be taken into account.
A mínimum of 4 over 10 in each of both tests must be obtained in order to be assessed with the rest of the activities included in the assessment (step 7)
Supervised projects Written and oral projects will be highly assessed 40
Directed discussion Students' participation and daily work and attention will be taken into account. 10
Assessment comments
In July, students will have to work on one of the topics included in the contents of this guide( 6-10 pages and 50% of the final grade) and the exam ( 50% of the final grade).
Students who do not show up at any of the exam opportunities available(two) will be deemed`absent from assessment(np)´ if they have not presented more than 50% of the assessable activities. According to the Academic and Titles Deputy Vicechancellor regulation(VOAT), students who fail the first exam opportunity and do not take the second exam opportunity in July,will appear as ¨Not passed the exam´´. Those who are officially registered as part time students and have been granted permission not to attend clases, as stipulated in the regulations of this University, will be assessed in either of the opportunities according to the same criteria specified as the second opportunity.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes