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Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
  Lingua Inglesa e os seus Usos 2
Topic Sub-topic
1. Metaphors related to plants and trees
The environment
(See text book mentioned in section 8, sources of information)
Metaphors based on plants; verbs related to growth; collocations
2. Authorities, customs, police.
Vocabulary related to immigration, traffic police, etc.
Vocabluary for dealing with history; collocations;
Vocabulary about poverty and lack of means
3.Language of Law
War and peace.
words for crimes; adjectives specifically for legal contexts;
legal words in common use
Attitudes towards war and peace; metaphors of conflict. Letters from the trenches

5. Sport, diet and health
Space: expanse and confinement

Vocabulary and metaphors from sport, diet and health
Expressing concepts of space; metaphors for ample or limited space
6. Time
Weight and density
Colour: range and intensity
Sequence and duration
Colloquial expressions of time; sayings related to passage of time
Nuances of speed and movement; verbs/adjectives with non-literal meaning
From silence to noice; specific verbs for certain noises, set phrases about sounds
Synonyms for heavy; literal uses of weighing; words to express density
Specific colours, related metaphors; exotic associations of words for colours
7.Cause and effect
Comparison and contrast
Difficulties, dilemmas, hitches
Verbs expressing cause/effect, collocations
How to express similarity and contrast
Nouns and adjectives relating to difficulties and dilemmas
Modal verbs and the expression of facts, opinions and wishes; probability; advice, obligation
8. Complaints and protests
Apologising, forgiving and reconciliation. praising
Promises, bets
Speech: style and articulation
Formal and informal complaints
Collocations; apologies in legal contexts; peace settlement (lit/fig);
Formal / colloquial promises;
Expressions about betting
Volume: from quiet to loud; describing ways of speaking
9. Vague language expressions
Types of idioms
Vague expressions for numbers; making actions /ideas less precise (informal)
Idioms:on people, stories, reports
10.British English/US English
Language and gender
Language of age and social class
Contrast in usage and implications.
4. The media: the printed word Sections in the press; types of printed material in circulation
Headlines. Advertising: language tricks. Gathering and spreading news; journalism; types of publications
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