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Facultade de Filoloxía
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Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
  Literatura Inglesa e Xénero
Topic Sub-topic
1. The politics of writing: The question of gender in English literature
2. Myths of womanhood (and manhood).
3. Gender and the canon.
4. Introduction to early women writers. Reception and censorship. Pros and amateurs.
5. The 20th century: Female aesthetics.
1. Characters and writers. The male perspective.
2. Heroes and Heroines in western culture. A brief view, focusing on the periods from Elizabethan to modern times. (Greek and ancient Christian cultures too.)
3. The role of Angloamerican/French feminist criticism and Gay Studies.
4. Individual writers. Aphra Behn, Mary Astell, Mary Wollstonecraft, Hannah Moore, Jane Austen and the eighteenth-century novel by women.
Texts to be read in full:
Aphra Behn. The Feigned Courtesans
Jane Austen. Sense and Sensibility & Pride and Prejudice
5. Feminism(s)

Unit 1. Gender, sex, sexuality.
Unit 2. Gender, class and ethnicity.
Unit 3. Gender in literature and cinema.
Unit 4. Gender and age.
Unit 5. Gender and globalization.

Unit 1. Gender, sex, sexuality: Eugenides, Twain.
Unit 2. Gender, class and ethnicity: Kingston, Morrison.
Unit 3. Gender in literature and cinema: Atwood, Hwang.
Unit 4. Gender and age: Jen, Munro.
Unit 5. Gender and globalization: Bobis, Divakaruni, Mukherjee.
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