Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Philology
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Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
  Literatura Inglesa e Xénero
Methodologies Description Qualification
Mixed objective/subjective test Mixed (theoretical/practical) exam: objective test + essay/textual commmentary
Document analysis In the PRÁCTICAS or small-group classes, it will consist of literary commentary and textual analysis, which is the most important didactic method used in PRÁCTICAS (beside directed discussions), but also frequent in DE lectures.
Some of these exercises will be marked by both teachers. PRÁCTICAS (TGR): 1.5 point (15%).
TEORÍA (DE): 1 point (10%).
Textual analysis will be also an important element in the January/July exams (see MIXED TEST below).
Oral presentation Orally presented PROJECT (obligatory) in the small-group classes (TGR). 5
Directed discussion Making use of readings, analyses and explanations done in all classes, a debate must be established over them so that the students may participate and further their knowledge and textual-analysis competence.
Supervised projects 2 PROJECTs or essays done individually on issues related to gender in literature written in English (vid. contents and reading lists).
The project corresponding to "prácticas" (TGR) or the small groups: 2 points (OBLIGRATORY, 6-8 pages, 20%).
The project corresponding to "teoría" (DE) or the whole-group sessions: 1 point (5 pages, 10%).

Assessment comments

ASSESSMENT D.E. (50% of the course; DR. C. Gómez):

- Textual analysis done in class: 1 point; 5-page essay: 1 point; exam: 3 points

- Those students that do neither any analyses in class nor the written essay will do only an exam (5 p.).

ASSESSMENT PRÁCTICAS (50% of the course; DR. B. Simal):

- 25% PROJECT (20%
essay + 5% oral presentation)

- 15% textual analyses

- 10%


Students must get 2 out of 5 points in each part or half, and the average must be at least 5.

Written essays must be handed in before the deadline set by the teacher, and always before the course is over.

For the July assessment students will have to take an exam (50% of the final mark) and do (oral/written) exercises of textual analysis (50% of the final mark). Those students that have already done acceptable exercises and essays will not have to write new ones.

Those students that fail or do not complete the first-chance (January) or second-chance (July) assessment will appear as Non Presentado only if they carried out or handed in less than 50% of the continuous assessment activities during the course (including both theory and practice classes). As established by the Vicerreitorado de Organización Académica e Titulacións, those students that fail in the first-chance assessment and do not take the second-chance tests will appear as "suspenso" (fail).

DISPENSA ACADÉMICA: Those who are officially registered as part-time students, and have been granted permission not to attend classes, as stipulated in the regulations of this University, should contact the teacher at the beginning of the course. These students will be assessed in either of the opportunities according to the same criteria specified for the second opportunity.

Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes