Teaching GuideTerm
Higher Polytechnic University College
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   Learning aims
Subject competencies (Learning outcomes) Study programme competences
Have a capacity so that it understands and applies the beginnings of basic knowledge of the general chemist, organic and inorganic chemistry and its applications in the engineering A4
That the students know how to apply its knowledge to its work or vocation in a professional way and possess the competences that tend to prove itself by the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems in its area of study B2
That the students have the ability to bring together and to interpret relevant data (normally in its area of study) to emit judgments that include a reflection on relevant subjects of social, scientific or ethical kind B3
That the students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a public as much specialized as not specialized B4
That the students developed those skills of learning necessary to start subsequent studies with a high degree of autonomy B5
Be able to conceiving, designing or putting in practice and adopting a substantial process of research with scientific rigor to solve any formulated problem, as well as that public specialized and not specialized in a clear way and without ambiguities communicates its conclusions -and the knowledge and last reasons that it sustain-. B6
Be able to carrying out a critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas. B7
Acquiring a methodological formation that guarantees the development of research projects (of quantitative and/or qualitative character) with a strategic purpose and they contribute towards situating us in the vanguard of the knowledge. B9
Recognizing critically the knowledge, the technology and the available information to solve the problems that they must face. C4
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