Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Computer Science
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Mestrado Universitario en Bioinformática para Ciencias da Saúde
  Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
   Personalized attention
Problem solving
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Supervised projects
The development, both of the master classes and of the problem solving and practical laboratories, will be carried out according to the students' progress in the comprehension and assimilation of the contents taught. The general progress of the class will be combined with specific attention to those who present greater difficulties in the task of learning and with additional support to those who present greater fluency and wish to expand their knowledge.

Personalized attention is provided through the following channels:
- E-mail: For short-answer queries or to request meetings to solve doubts.
- Teams: To be used during the official tutoring schedule in which an immediate response is guaranteed.
- Virtual Campus: "Thematic forums" will be made available to students to solve general doubts related to specific activities such as internships.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes