Teaching GuideTerm
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Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A2 A5 A10 B1 C1 C5 C14 Development of an exam with short questions on the theoretical content.
To pass the subject, it is necessary to pass the exam (obtain a minimum of 15 points).
Guest lecture / keynote speech A2 A5 A10 B1 B6 C1 C2 C4 C12 C13 Attendance and (active) participation in theoretical classes, as well as attention to the issues discussed in them within the final project, will be valued up to one point in the final grade. 10
Workshop A5 A10 B1 B5 C5 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 Workshop practices have a maximum value of 2 points in the final grade. Their evaluation will depend on the number of practices submitted on time and in the proper manner, as well as the quality of the work.

To count the workshop practices, the student must have attended, developed, and submitted at least 80% of the workshop-type practices (laboratory practices).

Only practices/portfolios submitted on time and in the proper manner will be accepted. Failure to meet these requirements will result in the nullification of the submission and, therefore, its evaluation (zero points).
Supervised projects A5 A10 B1 B5 B6 C1 C2 C4 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 Group work.
It has a maximum value of 40 points. Part of this grade (up to 10 points) will be determined by the oral presentation of the work.

Only works submitted on time and in the proper manner will be accepted. Those works that do not meet these requirements will receive a score of 0 points.
Assessment comments
Here is the translation:

With the proposal of each task and/or activity, the instructor(s) will explain in detail the content and formal guidelines, as well as the type of medium and submission date.

To pass the subject, the student must obtain a minimum of 5 points in the overall score (50 points), and it is necessary to pass both parts (at least 15 points in the theoretical exam and 30 points between workshop and supervised work).

This calculation does not include non-original student exercises, nor works submitted late or in a different format than indicated. Since one of the competencies of the subject is "Working in interdisciplinary teams" (C10), the evaluation includes a correction factor for groups that do not function as a team.

For part-time students or those with an academic exemption from attendance, the evaluation of laboratory practices (workshop 20% of the grade) will be carried out through supervised work (which will count for 60% of the grade, including 10% for the presentation). Deliveries and follow-up methods will need to be established with the instructor(s). For the lecture, given the essential in-person and participatory nature of this methodology, attendance is necessary for its calculation (up to a maximum of 10% of the grade).

In the case of fraudulent completion of tests or evaluation activities, duly verified, it will result in a failing grade (numerical score 0) in the subject for the corresponding academic term, whether the offense occurs in the first or second opportunity. For this, the grade will be modified in the first opportunity’s record if necessary.

Those students who have not passed the subject in continuous evaluation (first opportunity) should only retake the failed part in the second opportunity.

If the practical part is failed, the student should develop the final project again, individually, following the topics and guidelines specified by the instructors for the SECOND OPPORTUNITY. This project will have a value of 6 points in the final grade, with 1 point derived from the oral presentation-defense of the project.

If the student, even after passing both parts, does not manage to pass the subject, they should contact the instructors to agree on which part or parts need to be repeated and how.
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