Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Computer Science
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Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech The chief means of communication for this course will be the platform Moodle. Students are expected to check this for up-to-date assignments-including material separate from the given at the blackboard-and announcements. Over the semester we will study many topics that form a central part of the language of modern science. Weekly problem sets with a mix of exercices will be given. These include problems requiring abstraction, understanding and/or synthesis of various concepts. In many ways, these constitue the heart of the course; rigor in their completion often yields the greatest understanding.

We want the student to leave the course not only with computational ability, but with the ability to use these notions in their natural scientific contexts, and with an appreciation of their mathematical power.
Laboratory practice The laboratory work is the focal point of learning. A series of exercises related to the theoretical contents explained in the theoretical classes will be given to students at the beginning of every chapter. It ensures that:

I) students work closely with the teacher helping them to grow in confidence, to develop their skills in analysis, and to encourage them to reinforce the learning of theoretical concepts through the resolution of the exercises.

II) students gain capacity of abstraction and understanding.

A typical laboratory practice is a 2-hour class, with small groups of students, discussing the resolution of the exercises. It gives students the chance to interact directly with teachers, to exchange ideas and argue between them, to ask questions, and of course, to learn through the discussion.
Objective test Realizarase un exame escrito que consistirá nunha colección de cuestións teóricas e/ou de problemas (do mesmo tipo que os propostos nos seminarios(TGR) e nos boletíns de exercicios).
Collaborative learning Collaboration is encouraged, for home and class assignments; however, all submitted assignments must be written up independently and represent the student’s own work and understanding.
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