Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Computer Science
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Grao en Enxeñaría Informática
  Systems Programming
Topic Sub-topic
1.1. Introduction to Systems Program Introduction to Systems Program
Subject presentaction
1.2. Introduction to Android History and evolution
Architecture and characteristics
Main components
1.3. Development tools SDK and Android Studio instalation
Basic application and application structure
Debugging and testing
Application's Resources
2.1. Activities, Fragments and Intents Activities and Cycle of life
Intents, explicit and implicit
Parameters exchange
Fragments: estatics and dynamics
Fragments communication
2.2. User interface Layouts and Views
Menus and Dialogs
Lists and Adapters
2.3. Working in background Local Services
Bound Services
Broadcast Receivers
Processes and Threads
Asynchronous threads
3.1. App architecture Types of app architectures
Distribution of layers
3.2. Data persistence Preferences
Files internal and external
Data bases: SQL and ROOM
Content Providers
3.3. Interconnection Communications
Network services
Cloud services
4.1. System services and Sensors System services
Location and Maps
4.2. Distribution Publication
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