Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Computer Science
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Grao en Enxeñaría Informática
  Systems Programming
Methodologies Description
Laboratory practice Students will develop practices in the laboratory for learning programming mobile devices with Android. A series of practices following a script to familiarize the student with the concepts and the basic procedures of Android programming will be raised (competencies A32 and A34).

It will also promote the expansion and improvement of the basic features of each proposed practice (competency C7) as well as the discussion and resolution of problems (competencies B1 and C6).

The practices consist of an immediate part that is delivered at the end of the session and a deferred part that is delivered before the next session.

Some practice may also consist of creating and presenting an individual work on some relevant aspect of mobile device programming.

Part-time students could present all the practices of non Presential form.
Supervised projects Works (applications) will be proposed to make students deepen in topics covered by the course (competences A32 and C34) and explore new knowledge (competencies C6 and C7). It will be valued especially that the application is functional and robust (competency B1) and is valuable for society (competency C8).

Each work will be developed by a small number of students (typically between 2 and 4), so that group coordination and working methodology is very important. A small report of follow-up in the most important phases of development will also be required.

Ideas and problems will be discussed primarily during the hours tutoring in small groups.
Mixed objective/subjective test Exam and different mixed tests on the contents of the subject that will combine theory questions, practical questions, problem solving and individual work.

In this type of tests, the acquisition of skills A32 and A34 is checked.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Didactic exhibition of the theoretical content of the subject using slides and other ICT resources.
Also, certain basic application will be explain in detail so that students can implement them and tested during laboratory practices.

The lectures are oriented both to adquire the necesssary knowledges (A32 and A34) as to guide the students to autonomously search and adquire new knowledge (competency C7). Moreover, the lectures are used to encourage the discussion and criticism of different options and alternatives in the problem resolution (competences B1 and C6).
Some of the sessions may be guided by the students themselves.
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