Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Educational Studies
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Grao en Educación Primaria
  Foreign Language Teaching
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Mixed objective/subjective test A47 A51 B10 B23 B25 C2 C7 Proba que integra preguntas tipo de probas de ensaio e preguntas tipo de probas obxectivas.
En canto a preguntas de ensaio, recolle preguntas abertas de desenvolvemento. Ademais, en canto preguntas obxectivas, pode combinar preguntas de resposta múltiple, de ordenación, de resposta breve, de discriminación, de completar e/ou de asociación.
Collaborative learning A46 A50 A52 B5 B7 B11 B22 C1 C2 C3 Conxunto de procedementos de ensino-aprendizaxe guiados de forma presencial e/ou apoiados con tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións, que se basean na organización da clase en pequenos grupos nos que o alumnado traballa conxuntamente na resolución de tarefas asignadas polo profesorado para optimizar, a súa propia aprendizaxe e o dos outros membros do grupo. Se materaliza na elaboración e presentación dunha Unidade Didáctica. 20
Oral presentation A51 B8 B9 B10 B11 B22 B24 C2 C3 Intervención inherente aos procesos de ensino-aprendizaxe baseada na exposición verbal a través da que o alumnado e profesorado interactuar dun modo ordenado, formulando cuestións, facendo aclaracións e expoñendo temas, traballos, conceptos, feitos ou principios de forma dinámica. 10
Student portfolio A48 A51 B9 B10 C2 É unha carpeta ou arquivador ordenado por seccións, debidamente identificadas ou etiquetadas, que contén os rexistros ou materiais produto das actividades de aprendizaxe realizadas polo alumno nun período de tempo. O portafolios ou carpeta inclúe todo o que fai o alumno, como: apuntamentos ou notas de clases, traballos de investigación, guías de traballo e o seu desenvolvemento, comentarios de notas, resumos, probas escritas, autoavaliacións, tarefas desenvolvidas, comentarios de progreso do alumno realizado polo profesor, etc. 5
Assessment comments

Assessment for students with regular attendance:

Assessment will be based on the following criteria
and items:
Assessment criteria:
- Accomplishment of the stated objectives.
- Understanding of theoretical and practical
Evaluation of collaborative and individual tasks done throughout the year.
- I.1.
Use of English. 2 marks.
- I.2.
Foreign Language Didactics. 3 marks.
- I.3.
Written expression and comprehension. 1.5 marks.
- I.4.
Project. 2 marks.
- I.5.
Oral presentation. 1 mark.
- I.6.
Portfolio (optional). 0.5 marks.
Items I.1, I.2 and I.3 will be assessed individually
on the date fixed by the official calendar. Items I.4, I.5 will be assessed
individually or in groups (max. 4 students) on the date chosen at the beginning
of the module. Item I.6 is optional and can be done individually or in groups.
The portfolio includes written and oral activities, tasks and exercises done in
the classroom. These must be accompanied with a comment or reflection regarding
the application in a Primary classroom.

 Items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are compulsory. The final
qualification will be the result of adding each of items´ marks. A failing
grade means that all items must be done once again for the next opportunity. 

Assessment for students without regular attendance:

1. Students
with official academic exemption:
According to the law that deals with undergraduate
students at University of A Coruña and their dedication (approved by the Govern
Council on the 29th of May 2012), these students can ask the Dean
for partial time dedication so attendance is not compulsory for them.
2. Students with continuation of studies (repeat
Assessment criteria:
- Accomplishment of the stated objectives
- Understanding of theoretical and practical
Evaluation of collaborative and individual tasks done throughout the year
- I.1.
Use of English. 2 marks.
- I.2.
Foreign Language Didactics. 3 marks.
- I.3.
Written expression and comprehension. 1.5 marks.
- I.4.
Project. 2 marks.
- I.5.
Oral presentation. 1 mark.
- I.6.
Portfolio (optional). 0.5 marks.

Items I.1, I.2 and I.3 will be assessed individually
on the date fixed by the official calendar. Items I.4, I.5 will be assessed
individually on the date chosen at the beginning of the module. Item I.6 is
optional and can be done individually or in groups. The portfolio includes
written and oral activities, tasks and exercises done in the classroom. These
must be accompanied with a comment or reflection regarding the application in a
Primary classroom.

Items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are compulsory. The final
qualification will be the result of adding each of items´ marks. A failing
grade means that all items must be done once again for the next opportunity.


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