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  Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A3 A12 A13 A15 A19 A20 The objective test is aimed to assess the mastery of theorical contents and its application to AAC intervention. It may be a combination of ordering and sequencing questions, short answers, completion questions or a test. 70
Events academic / information A20 B8 B10 Attendance to programmed academic/information events is compulsory
Students will prepare a catalog with the newest assistive technology products and hand it out the teacher.

Supervised projects A8 A9 A19 A20 B4 B13 B18 B19 C3 C7 Supervised projects will be hand out by small working groups to the teacher, properly identified and in duly time, in order to assess procedural learning regarding interactive lessons contents. 14
Practical test: A19 The practical test is aimed to assess skills and abilities using the unaided systems. It consists of:
1) to produce some proposed words using fingerspelling.
2) to use manual supplements and cued speech a complex sentence.
3) to use a manual sign parallel system for a proposed sentence
Assessment comments

Attendance is compulsory. Absences need to be justified.

To pass the subject

Students must achieve an overall credit weighted mark of at least 70% in the objective test, 14% in the practical test, 14% in supervised projects and the remaining 5% in the assistive technology products catalogue. Objective and practical tests must be independently passed.

The same requirements will be applied to students in the non-presential modality; the only exception it will be that unaided AAC systems will have to be self-learned

Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes