In this course we'll try to get acquainted with the administration of unix-like operating systems. We'll try to cover both the concepts and the different implementations of those same concepts by using systems on the different branches of the unix family tree It is assumed a certain knowledge of basic operating system concepts, basic unix commands and shell programming
Contingency plan
1. Modifications in the contents
2. Methodologies
* Teaching methodologies that change
- Master session: videoconference
- Practices: supervised through ICT,
- Objective test and practical test: through Moodle, Teams or any other UDC tool.
- Tutored works: Given the difficulties of meeting and doing group work, doing the presentations in class
and doing the peer-to-peer evaluations, the performance of work will be replaced by the performance of reports of the practices made
3. Mechanisms of personalized attention to students
- Moodle: all teaching resources will be provided through Faitic.
- Teams or other video conferencing tools. Team sessions may be convened for tutoring
- Email: for any questions
4. Modifications in the evaluation
In accordance with the modification of the methodologies corresponding to the supervised work, the score corresponding to the supervised work will be added.
the part of the practices, concretely the realization of the reports
* Evaluation observations:
In the case of not being able to be in person
Both the objective test and the practical test will be done using Teams, moodle or any other tool available at udc
5. Modifications to the bibliography or webography
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.