Teaching GuideTerm
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Grao en Relacións Laborais e Recursos Humanos (Coruña)
  Contemporary Social and Political History
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Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Contemporary Social and Political History Code 660G01009
Study programme
Grao en Relacións Laborais e Recursos Humanos (Coruña)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
First Basic training 6
Teaching method Hybrid
Fernández Colín, Mª Luísa
Fernández Colín, Mª Luísa
General description Basic knowledge of social evolution and contemporary politics and its impact on society today
Contingency plan 1-MODIFICATIONS IN THE CONTENTS No changes will be made 2. METHODOLOGIES Teaching methodologies that are maintained Initial presentation Readings Obradoiro Oral presentation Practices through tic Teaching methodologies that are modified Mixed test 3-PERSONALIZED ATTENTION MECHANISMS FOR STUDENTS Email: Monday to Friday. Of use to make inquiries, request virtual meetings to resolve doubts and monitor the supervised work. - Moodle: Daily. To hang presentations and assignments. - Teams: 1 weekly session for the advancement of the theoretical contents and thereafter, 1 session for practice in the time slot assigned to the subject in the Erlac timetable. They will also have 1 hour of tutoring to answer questions by mail or teams. This dynamic allows a normalized monitoring and adjusted the learning needs of lighting to develop the work of the subject. 4. MODIFICATIONS IN THE EVALUATION Mixed tests (up to 40%) at the end of each topic in the assigned class time. They will consist of multiple choice questions to choose a correct one from 3 and short questions. Tutored jobs (30%) In relation to supervised jobs, the following will be assessed: - The methodological adaptation of the work proposals. - The depth of the content. - The domain of the applications used in the elaboration of the socio-educational proposals. - The treatment of a language of the disciplinary context. - The use of complementary and current documentary sources. - The presentation and clarity of the presentation. Practices and class work up to 30%. With a specific delivery date and some of them to expose in the virtual class time To pass the subject, a minimum of 5 must be obtained from the sum of the assignments + practicals + periodic tests Evaluation observations: 1. SITUATIONS: A) Full-time students: Attendance / participation in class activities at least 80%: B) Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic waiver of exemption of assistance, second establishes the "STANDARD REGULATING THE DEDICATION REGIME TO THE STUDY OF GRADUATE STUDENTS AT UDC (Arts. 2.3; 3. b and 4.5) (5/29/212): 30% work to be presented in class and 70% the exam on the date indicated by ERLAC 2. REQUIREMENTS TO EXCEED MATTER: 1. Attend and participate regularly in class activities. 2. Obtain a score of 5 in the sum of the three parts: practices 30% + work 30% + mixed tests 40% 3. Deliver and present the supervised works on the date indicated. 4- students who do not pass the course after the sum of the marks will be able to take the final exam in the common and extraordinary calls 4. The July opportunity will be subject to the same criteria as the June one 5. MODIFICATIONS TO THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OR WEBGRAPHY No modifications
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes