Teaching GuideTerm
Higher Polytechnic University College
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Grao en Enxeñaría Naval e Oceánica
  Marine structures 2

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Materials science and engineering/730G05013
Elasticity and strength of materials/730G05017

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Naval hydrodynamics/730G05023
Shipbuilding technology/730G05024

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Ship noise and vibrations/730G05031
Ship and offshore design 1/730G05032
Ship and offshore design 2/730G05037

Other comments

Para axudar a conseguir un contorno inmediato sostido e cumprir o obxectivo da acción número 5: "Ensino e investigación ambiental e social saudables e sostibles" do "Plan de acción Green Campus Ferrol": a entrega dos traballos documentais realizados nesta materia: • Solicitarase en formato virtual e / ou soporte informático • Farase a través de Moodle, en formato dixital sen necesidade de imprimilos. • Se é necesario facelos en papel: - Non se usarán plásticos. - Empregarase papel reciclado. - Evitarase a impresión de borradores. Débese facer un uso sostible dos recursos e previr impactos negativos no medio natural

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