Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Science
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Mestrado Universitario en Biotecnoloxía Avanzada
  Vegetal biotechnology
Methodologies Description
Introductory activities Contact students / teachers.
Presentation of the training program: teaching methodology, planning, development. presentation of the practical case. Assessment system.
Guest lecture / keynote speech The explanation of the main concepts will complemented by an active discussion with the student, through questions to integrate, establish and clarify the key concepts.
Case study Analysis of a case study with the purpose of the student, working in small groups,
star in his self-learning guided by the teacher / tutor (learning strategy for
discovery and construction). The case poses a problem complex, similar to those that students will face in real life,
and for whose solution will have to be formed in theory and in practice. In other words, aims to discover knowing and not about the problem, and it should look
information, selects, organizes, evaluates, interprets, integrates and finally proposes solutions using the scientific method.
Oral presentation Prueba que consiste en la presentación del Caso respondiendo a las
preguntas planteadas por el alcalde y las personas interesadas.
Mixed objective/subjective test Prueba que incluve la autoevaluación del trabajo en equipo, que sirve para
ponderar el trabaio realizado por cada miembro.
Case study Oral presentation, using a computer program
presentation of the work.
Will be held in groups formed by 4-5 people.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes