Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Science
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Grao en Bioloxía
  Functional Adaptations of Animals in the Environment
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Seminar A6 A19 A20 A22 A23 A26 A27 A29 B1 B2 B3 B5 B7 B8 B9 B11 Debates en forma de discusión + exames curtos desenvoltos por cada grupo reducido de alumnos, e que serán considerados como PARTE DA AVALIACIÓN INDIVIDUAL en función da participación/aportación de cada alumno no debate, e da cualificación obtida no exame curto desenvolto na fase final da sesión do seminario.
O ALUMNO AUSENTE nestes debates/exames curtos terá unha cualificación de 0 puntos na actividade desenvolta nesa xornada.
Objective test A6 A10 A19 A22 A23 A24 A29 B1 B3 B4 B8 B9 Haberá un exame final escrito da materia ao remate do cuadrimestre.
Trátase dunha proba con distintos tipos de preguntas sobre os principais aspectos/contidos do programa teórico impartidos nas sesións maxistrais. A nota obtida supoñerá o 60% da cualificación final (máximo 6 puntos sobre 10). Non obstante, é preciso obter un mínimo de 4,5 puntos sobre 10 (2,7 sobre 6) nesta proba para superar a materia.
Alternativamente os/as estudantes terán a opción de facer 3 probas obxectivas parciais ao longo do curso. Ao igual que no caso da avaliación por medio dunha única proba, é preciso que os/as alumnos/as acaden un mínimo de 4,5 puntos sobre 10 en cada unha das probas parciais co gallo de superar a materia.
Aqueles alumnos/as que opten pola avaliación continua precisarán acadar un mínimo de 4,5 puntos en todas e cada unha das probas parciais. Os/as alumnos/as que non acaden dita puntuación nalgunha das probas quedarán automaticamente excluídos/as deste sistema de avaliación e deberán presentarse á proba obxectiva final de toda a materia.
Laboratory practice A1 A2 A4 A6 A11 A19 A20 A29 A30 A31 B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B13 Destacar o seu CARÁCTER OBRIGATORIO. Serán avaliadas en base ao traballo realizado no laboratorio ao longo das mesmas e aos datos aportados por cada grupo de alumnos/posto de prácticas en cada sesión de laboratorio, dado que ao remate da sesión deberán facer ENTREGA dun RESUME DE DATOS e CONCLUSIÓNS obtidos no desenvolvemento das mesmas.
Prácticas realizadas en cursos previos no caso de alumnos repetidores, gárdase a cualificación por 3 anos.
Assessment comments

The evaluation of the subject will take into account the knowledge of the theoretical programme, the practical laboratory activities and the debates developed in the seminar sessions. The knowledge acquired, comprehension and ability to synthesise, clarity of exposition and skills acquired will be assessed.

-In the first opportunity of evaluation, those students who do not attend the objective test, having or not previously carried out the laboratory practicals, and/or participated or not in the debates developed in the seminars, will be NOT PRESENTED.

-Those students who, having taken the objective test, do not achieve the minimum qualification mentioned in the Evaluation section, whether or not they have previously taken the laboratory practicals, and/or whether or not they participate in the debates held in the seminars, will be SUSPENDED.

-Students who, attending a second evaluation opportunity, have not taken the laboratory practicals, will have to take a supplementary exam with questions related to them as part of the objective test, having to obtain a minimum grade of 5.0 in these questions.

Those students who do not attend the objective test, having or not previously completed the laboratory practicals and participated or not in the debates developed in the seminars, will be considered as NOT PRESENTED.

Those students who have taken the objective test but do not achieve the minimum qualification mentioned in the Evaluation section will be graded with SUSPENSED.

Passing the subject at the first opportunity requires attendance at the laboratory practicals. In the case of "Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic dispensation of exemption from attendance", who may not have taken the laboratory practicals, they must specifically take a practical exam. In this case, passing the objective test of the subject, which represents 60% of the final grade, must be complemented by obtaining at least a grade of 5.0 in the aforementioned practical exam.

Students who have not completed the laboratory practicals for a duly justified reason, will have to specifically face and pass (with a grade of 5.0 points or more) a practical exam.

 Students who do not achieve the minimum grade indicated in the objective test will be given a maximum mark of 4.5.

Students who request to take the exam in the December exam session will be governed by what is indicated in the teaching guide for the previous academic year.

In the event of fraudulent performance of tests or assessment activities, the regulations in force at the UDC will be applied.

The fraudulent performance of the tests or
evaluation activities, once verified, will directly imply a failure grade
"0" in the subject at the corresponding opportunity.

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