Teaching GuideTerm
University College of Physiotherapy
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Mestrado Universitario en Discapacidade e Dependencia (plan 2015)
  Successful Aging
Methodologies Competencies Description Qualification
Directed discussion B2 C1 C4 Os membros dun grupo discuten de forma libre, informal e espontánea sobre un tema, aínda que poden estar coordinados por un moderador. 20
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A26 B6 C2 Asistencia as clases expositivas 10
Supervised projects A2 A27 B1 B9 B10 Baixo a tutela do profesor o alumno realizará algún traballo ou actividade relacionada cos contidos da materia 30
Case study A1 B2 B7 B9 Metodoloxía onde o suxeito se enfronta ante a descrición dunha situación específica que expón un problema que debe ser comprendido, valorado e resolto por un grupo de persoas, a través dun proceso de discusión. O alumno sitúase ante un problema concreto (caso), que lle describe unha situación real da vida profesional, e debe ser capaz de analizar unha serie de feitos, referentes a un campo particular do coñecemento ou da acción, para chegar a unha decisión razoada a través dun proceso de discusión en pequenos grupos de traballo. 40
Assessment comments

The evaluation of the subject will be the result of the following components:
- Attendance / participation in classes: up to 10%.
- Realization of practical activities: up to a maximum of 40%. In the practical activities, it is included the Recension * of the book "The Hour of the truth" of Rosa regás.
(75% of the activities carried out will have to be delivered).
- Test type test of the theoretical contents: up to a maximum of 50%.

To pass the subject it will be necessary to obtain a minimum average mark of 5, as long as the mark in the exam is equal to or greater than 2 points. 

The evaluation of the subject will be the result of the following components:
- Attendance / participation in classes: up to 10%.
- Realization of practical activities: up to a maximum of 40%. In the practical activities, it is included the Recension * of the book "The Hour of the truth" of Rosa regás.
(75% of the activities carried out will have to be delivered).
- Test type test of the theoretical contents: up to a maximum of 50%.

To pass the subject it will be necessary to obtain a minimum average mark of 5, as long as the mark in the exam is equal to or greater than 2 points.

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