Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Science
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Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Research (Research project) A20 A23 A26 A27 A28 A30 A32 B13 PRACTICAL WORK: MANDATORY. Students will prepare a report in a scientific format that will include: the objectives of the work, material and methods used, the results obtained and a short discussion. Those students unable to attend the practical lessons will be required to prepare a report on a field work, under the supervision of the professor.
Supervised projects A19 B1 B3 B4 B5 B8 B10 CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: MANDATORY. They will be graded depending on their originality, the clear connection with the class contents, the quality of the sources and the quality of the exposition. The assignment will be optional for those students involved in a Service-Learning activity.
Short answer questions A7 A19 B2 SHORT ANSWER EXAM: MANDATORY. The final exam will consist of objective, short answer questions that will require precise and well-reasoned responses. Literally reproduction of class slides will lower the grade. For passing the exam students are REQUIRED TO OBTAIN AT LEAST 4 POINTS OUT OF 10.
Aprendizaxe servizo A7 A19 B2 B7 B8 B13 SERVICE-LEARNING: OPTIONAL. Students will be graded through individual and group interviews. Grading will depend on the quality of the materials prepared, the contents learnt, and the active and responsible participation in all the activities. 0
Seminar A19 B1 B3 B7 B9 B10 B11 SEMINARS: Students will be graded depending on attendance, quality of reports and/or active participation. Assessment might include also short exams. ABSENT STUDENTS WILL EARN NO POINTS FOR THE SEMINARS unless absence is clearly justified.
Assessment comments

Most of the lectures contents will be assessed in a final exam. This exam will count 6 points, and students are required to obtain at least 2.4 points out of 6 to pass it (the exam will have 10 questions, so students are required to obtain at least 4 points). IMPORTANT: Students have the right to be assessed in the official languages of the UDC (Galician and Spanish) in an appointment process.

Seminars, practical work reports and class assignments will count 4 points. Active participation in these activities is expected, and group working is strongly recommended.

Students who do not complete all the required tasks and activities will not be able to attain the maximum grade (10 points) in any of the grading opportunities. Points earned in seminars, practical work and class assignments (or Service-Learning activities) will be kept for the two grading opportunities.

Students are required to obtain at least 5 points out of 10 to pass the course.

For being classified as “Absent”, students can not take the final exam (the short answer exam).

All aspects related to  “dispensa académica” (Part-time students) , “dedicación ao estudo” (dedication to study) , “permanencia” (permanence) and “fraude académica” (academic fraud)  will be ruled following the academic norms of the UDC

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