Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Humanities
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Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A2 A7 B8 B9 C5 Attendance and active participation in the guest lectures and in the activities carried out in the interactive sessions will be considered (e.g., participation in debates or directed discussions in the classroom, resolution of activities, answers to questions formulated, participation in online forums, etc.). Short questionnaires might also be carried out, without prior notice, on the contents seen at the end of some of the guest lectures. 10
Supervised projects A1 A2 A8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C2 C3 C7 C8 C9 Assessment of the oral presentation and list of references of the proposed group work. This assessment will be carried out as detailed below:
- Domain of specific content: use of specific terminology, accuracy, and suitability of content [40%]
- Written expression and formal presentation: spelling and grammar correction, coherence, cohesion, expository clarity, structure of information, ability to analyse and synthesise information [10%]
- Information management: sufficiency and relevance of bibliographical sources consulted, consultation of additional sources [10%]
- Creativity and design of presentation [10%]
- Effective presentation skills and addressing questions correctly: clarity, precision, organisation of ideas, capacity for analysis and synthesis of information, ability to respond to potential questions [30%]
Mixed objective/subjective test A1 A2 A7 A8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B7 B9 C5 C9 The midterm and final exams will have a weight of 25 and 25%, respectively, in the final grade of this course.

The midterm exam is not compulsory, so the students who decide not to attend will have to sit the final exam, which will have a weight of 50% in the final grade of the course. The same criterion is valid for those students who fail the midterm exam.
Case study A1 A2 A7 A8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B6 B7 B8 B9 C2 C4 C5 C7 C8 Assessment of the cases proposed and carried out in groups.

In the case studies, the coherence and adequacy of the answers to the questions proposed, the formal presentation and the written expression, and the consultation of bibliographical sources will be assessed.
Assessment comments

Assessment criteria

  • The first midterm exam is optional and covers topics 1 and 2.
  • The second midterm exam (covering topics 3-6) and the final exam will be held concurrently on the date specified in the official examination schedule.
  • To pass the course, students need a minimum score of 4 out of 10 in both the mixed objective/subjective test and the supervised project and a minimum total mark of 5.
  • If the minimum score requirement is not met, the final grade will be "fail," regardless of the average score of all assessment activities.
  • If a student passes the first midterm exam but fails (scoring less than 4 out of 10) the second midterm exam, they only need to retake the second part at the second opportunity, and the first midterm exam score will be kept.
  • If a student fails the final exam, they will have to retake the failed parts at the second opportunity.
  • Students are responsible for attending the exam revision to know which parts they need to redo at the second opportunity.
  • In the next academic year, students who did not pass the subject but achieved a mark of 5 or higher in certain assignments or exams can keep those marks upon informing the course instructor within the first two weeks of classes. This option only applies to the following academic year.
  • Students who are unable to submit an assignment due to justified reasons must contact the lecturer within three days of their absence and provide a sick note or certificate to have the submission accepted.
Early December call

If there are students who wish to participate in the early December evaluation (Article 19, "Standards for evaluation, review, and qualification claims for undergraduate and master's degree studies"), considering that this course is offered once a year, those students will only be required to take the mixed objective/subjective test, which accounts for 70% of the overall grade, and complete the supervised project, which contributes 30% to the final grade. The supervised project should be completed individually.

To successfully pass the course, students must achieve a final grade equal to or higher than 5 points out of 10, provided that they have obtained a score equal to or higher than 4 points out of 10 in each of the assessment methodologies.

No grade

Students who do not attend the final exam scheduled according to the faculty's official exam calendar will receive a grade of "No presentado" (i.e., no grade). This policy applies to both the first and second assessment opportunities, as well as the early December call.

Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption waiver

Regarding students who have been granted recognition of part-time dedication and an academic exemption waiver, they are required to inform the course instructor at the beginning of the academic year. This is necessary to establish a plan and calendar of activities for them. The assessment system for these students will consist of a mixed objective/subjective test, which accounts for 60% of the overall grade, supervised projects (20%), and case studies (20%). It is important to note that the supervised project should be completed as a group assignment. 

Academic dispensation, study dedication, and academic fraud will follow the current UDC’s academic regulations.

Additional information

Engaging in fraudulent behaviour in any of the assessed methodologies will lead to a final grade of "Fail (0)" in the corresponding call of the academic year, whether the offence is committed at the first or second opportunity. Please note that the use of AI tools, such as Chat GPT, is strictly prohibited in any submissions, including case studies and the group project.

Furthermore, it is strictly forbidden to bring any device capable of data transmission and/or storage, such as mobile phones or smartwatches, into the examination room during any of the assessment tests.

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