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Grao en Bioloxía
  Physical Geography
Topic Sub-topic
I. INTRODUCTION 1. Physical Geography: concept, division and correlation with other sciences.
2. The Earth System and subsystems
3. The Earth Surface: Global Topography
II. THE ATMOSPHERE AND THE HYDROLOGIC SYSTEM OF THE EARTH 4. Composition and structure of the atmosphere
5. Energy of the atmospheric system
6. Winds and atmospheric movement
7. Ocean-atmospheric interaction. Oceanic circulation
8. Atmospheric water and water balance
9. Types of precipitation, air masses and weather fronts
10. Climatic zonation of the Earth
11. Climatic change
III. THE BIOSPHERE 12. Climate, soil, flora and fauna
13. Soil formation, properties and classification
14. Biogeographic processes. Phytogeography and zoogeography
16. The slope system
17. Fluvial and lacustrine Systems
18. Coastal Systems
19. Karst Systems
20. Desert Systems
21. Glacial Systems
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