Teaching GuideTerm
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Grao en Bioloxía
  Biochemistry II
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Problem solving A10 A29 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B7 B10 B11 B13 Student´s work in reduced groups and controls.

Laboratory practice A8 A26 A30 A31 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B7 B10 B13 Participation in the clases and exam.

Mixed objective/subjective test A8 A10 A26 B2 B3 B7 B13 The knowledgements aquired by the students in both, the master clases and the problem solving will be evaluated.

Assessment comments

PRACTICAL WORK: Attendance at laboratory practices is mandatory to pass the
subject. For their qualification the attendance and work in practices will be
valued (5/15 points) and the competences acquired by means of an exam of practices
(10/15 points). The assistance may be validated, upon request, by the one already
completed in the immediately preceding course.
REDUCED GROUPS: The attendance and participation in small groups (problem
solving) are valued through the work of the student in the groups, elaboration
of programmed schemes and controls.
Apart from the practical work and the reduced groups assesments, at least one partial exam(Enzymology) will be programmed. In them it will be posible to release parts of the subject and therefore, if passed, it will not be neccessary to repeat them in the final mixed test of oficial examinations (first and second opportunity)

To be able to pass the subject it will
be necessary to reach at least 50% of the score corresponding to the mixed test. From this
value, the scores corresponding to the rest of the activities are added. Below
this value, the maximum score after the sum of the activity scores may not be
greater than 4.
Students who do not attend the tests of the official evaluation period will
have the grade of No Presented.
In July evaluation, the qualifications of the parts passed in the January exam
(Enzymology / Metabolism / Practices) can be kept and the student will present only
to the pending parts.
Students who renounce the continuous evaluation must request a global
evaluation at least 15 days before the official date of the call (January /
July). In this evaluation the notes of the activities are not taken into account
and a global exam has to be done (Theory, Problems and Practical work). Students with part-time dedication or exemption of attendance, officially requested in the enrollment, will be
evaluated in this modality. 

MH will be distributed preferably among students who meet the requirements
in the evaluation of January.

For students who request the early December call, the regulations will apply, according to which the teaching guide for the current course governs.
All aspects related to "academic dispensation", "dedication to study", "permanence" and "academic fraud" will be ruled in accordance with the current academic regulations of the UDC
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