Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Science
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Grao en Bioloxía
  Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Laboratory practice A8 A12 A17 A27 A30 A31 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B7 B10 B13 LABORATORY CLASSES: The assistance is mandatory. The students will interpret the obtained results. Besides they will present a work that will include a small research project based on the results in the practical course and an exam.
Mixed objective/subjective test A29 B2 B3 B7 B10 B13 FINAL EXAMINATION: The knowledges obtained by the students in the Master and Small Group Classes will be evaluated in a final exam.
Problem solving A29 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B7 B10 B11 B13 Resolution of problems, student's work in Reduced Groups: exercises, seminars (as indicated in document analyses) and possibility of small exams.
Document analysis A29 B1 B3 B5 B7 B10 B11 B13 Small group activity: Activity of searching and handling of scientific information that will be used to elaborate activities of science dissemination, with a class exposition in small groups, and with an ending debate. The scientific rigor of information (group work), the quality of visual presentation (group work), the fluidity and clarity of oral exposure (individual work) and responsiveness (individual work) will be evaluated.
Assessment comments

.- In order to add all the qualifications and pass this subject it will be mandatory to acquire the minimum scores in the three evaluable parts INDEPENDENTLY: Activities (Problem solving / Document analysis), Practical Classes in the Laboratory and Objective Probe (or Final Examination).
The oficial final exams in June and in July will be presentially, unless in case of pandemic situation in which will use the Moodle platform only.

The continous assesments, previous to the oficial opportunities, will also be on line. Two partial exams will be issued.- For Final Qualifications or ACTAS (on any of the 2 opportunities, JUNE or JULY): The marks of the Objective Probe, Laboratory Practices, and Seminars will be added only if all of them reach 45% of their value. If this percentage is not reached, the final grade that will appear in ACTAS will be 4.

.-In the Final Exam of the 2nd Opportunity_(July), the student will be able to recover only the
theoretical. It will not be an exam for the Practical Part in this 2º Opportunity.

.-The attendance to Practical Laboratory Classes is a mandatory condition to be evaluated. Failure
to attend classes without a properly justified reason means failing the subject. The students who had passed the Practical Part in the two previous academic years may apply for a request for his validation as overcome (PASS). 

Voluntarily, students will be able to participate in a gamification activity that will be provided on the first day of class: Students enrolled in this subject will be able to voluntarily participate in a gamified learning environment, obtaining up to one extra point in their grade.

 .- The students that do not show up in any of the two official examination dates will obtain a NOT
PRESENTED in the Final Grades (ACTAS).

.-According to the rule of qualifications and records in Degrees and Masters, the Quality Committee of the Faculty of Sciences agreed to the recommendation to concede the “Honors Qualification” to those students who obtained the highest marks in the 1st Opportunity.

.-For students with part-time dedication or with an exemption of class assistance, in June and July, there will be a specific exam for overall assessment.

.- Exceptionally, in the case of those students that, for duly justified reasons, are not able to
perform all continuous assessment tests or evaluable activities, the professors will take their deems for appropriate measures.

All aspects
related to "academic dispensation", "dedication to study",
"permanence" and "academic fraud" will be ruled in
accordance with the current academic regulations of the UDC

 .-Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption for attendance both in the end-of-term opportunity and in the second opportunity will take into account, for the calculation of the overall grade, the grade obtained in the theoretical exam and the corresponding practical part (see above format of both exams), representing these 75% and 25% of the final grade, respectively.

exceptional cases, the possibility of teaching the subject in a tutorial regime
will be considered.

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