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Grao en Bioloxía
  Population Genetics and Evolution
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Seminar A7 A12 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 Students will be presented with findings and hypotheses that in their day represented scientific revolutions in the knowledge of biological evolution, so that they can follow the course of subsequent research and assess their validity and impact today. The activity will take the form of a slide presentation, which must be presented and defended orally in front of the teaching staff and the rest of the students. 15
Multiple-choice questions A7 A18 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 It consists of a series of multiple choice questionnaires on the Moodle platform, which must be answered on dates and at times set in advance throughout the course. 25
ICT practicals A7 A21 B2 B4 Practical exercises of bioinformatics.

Compulsory: to avoid failing the subject, every student should obtain at least 13 points in this exam.
Objective test A7 A12 A18 A21 A24 B1 B2 It is a written test, face-to-face and synchronous, which corresponds to the official exam of the subject. It consists of a series of calculation exercises and multiple choice test questions.
Compulsory: every student should obtain at least 18 points in this test to pass the subject.
Assessment comments

Official withdraw from the course is only possible if the student attends neither the final theoretical (objective test) nor the practical exam.

In order to pass the subject, it will be necessary to achieve at least 50 points with the sum of the different evaluation methodologies, as long as the minimum mark required in the practical and the objective test has been achieved. The final grade of the students who did not reach the minimum mark to pass the course in the practical or the objective test, but whose cumulative score happened to be higher than 50, will be a 4.9 (FAILED). 

On dates and at times to be indicated in the official timetable of the course, two mid-term exams will be held using the same methodology as the official exam of the subject. The subject that has not been passed in the mid-term exam will be left pending for the official exam. For the purposes of calculating the final mark, when a mid-term has been passed, its mark will be added, duly weighted, to the mark obtained in the official exam.

In the event that, for duly justified reasons, it is not possible to attend the official exam of the subject, an oral exam will be held, with a similar content to the written exam. 

If a student does not achieve the maximum possible scores in the continuous assessment activities, he/she may choose to take an additional block of questions in the final exam of the subject, on the understanding that he/she renounces the qualification he/she obtained before in the continuous assessment.

The second opportunity will only be assessed by means of the practical exam and the objective test, using the same methodology as in the first opportunity. For the purposes of calculating the final grade, the marks obtained in the activities with continuous assessment (seminar and multiple-choice test) at the first opportunity will be maintained. 

For the computation of the final grade of students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic dispensation of attendance, both in the opportunity of the end of term and in the second opportunity, the grade obtained in the theoretical exam and the corresponding practical part (see above format of both exams) will be taken into account, representing 75% and 25% of the final grade, respectively.

All aspects related to "academic dispensation", "dedication to study", "permanence" and "academic fraud" will be governed by the academic regulations of the UDC in force.

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