Teaching GuideTerm
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Grao en Bioloxía
  Plant Physiology II
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Seminar A18 A29 B1 B2 B3 B5 B7 B8 B13 The activities carried out by the students during the seminar sessions will be assessed continuously by the professor. 20
Mixed objective/subjective test A8 A18 A26 A29 A30 A31 Exam about theoretical knowledge (60%) and the practicals (20%). 80
Assessment comments

The qualification assessment will have two parts:

1) Theoretical part of the course, including two methodologies:"Seminario" ("seminar") and the theoretical part of"proba mixta" (final exam).

2) Practical part of "proba mixta" (final exam).

To get a pass a student has to get a minimum of 4 points out of 10 inthe Theoretical part of the course and a minimum of 4 points out of 10 in thePractical part. Moreover, a minimum of 4 points out of 10 has to be got in inthe theoretical part of the "proba mixta" and also in the practicalpart of the "proba mixta". Moreover, in order to get the pass, theaverage/mean of the different parts and methodologies has to be at least 5points out of 10. If the student got a mean equal or higher than 5 points buthe/she got less than 4 points in any of the parts of the assessment and/or"proba mixta" indicated above, the final score will be 4.9 (fail).

In the second opportunity of assessment (July) it is only possible torepeat the "proba mixta", because the score of "Seminario"("seminar") will be the same as obtained in the first opportunity. Ifthe student has got a fail in the first opportunity, and the score of one ofthe parts (theoretical or practical) of the “proba mixta” is 5 or higher, suchscore will be kept in the second opportunity, repeating only the other part of “probamixta”. However, the student can instead repeat the whole “proba mixta”,providing he/she tells the professor in advance.

Attendance to practicals is compulsory. If a student does not attend toone or two sessions of the practicals, he/she will have a penalty of one andtwo points, respectively, to be substracted from the score of the “proba mixta”.If the student does not attend to three or more sessions of the practicals,he/she will get a fail as the final score in the course.

The students that do not carry out the "proba mixta" will bequalified as "NO PRESENTADO".

For those students with official academic exemption, the seminar sessions might be replaced by a written work, if the student requires it.

In the case of fraudulent performance of tests or evaluation activities, the policies at the UDC will be applied.

All aspects related to academic dispensation,
dedication to study, permanence and academic fraud will be governed in
accordance with the current academic regulations of the UDC.

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