Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Law
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Grao en Dereito
  Person's Law
Topic Sub-topic
Introduction 1.- Civil law: concept
2.- Private autonomy: different meanings
Lesson 1.- The right of the person 1.- Institutional meaning of personality
2.- The general duty of respect for the person
3.- Legal capacity: concept and characteristics
4.- Ability to act: concept, characters and classes
Lesson 2.- Beginning and ending of personality 1.- Beginning of personality
2.- Ending of personality
3.- The declaration of death
Lesson 3.- Legal protection of the nasciturus 1.- Content of the legal protection of the nasciturus in positive law
2.- Legal situation of the conceived not born before civil Law
Lesson 4.- The rights of the personality 1.- Concept, legal nature and characters
2.- The protection of the rights of personality
Lesson 5.- The rights of the personality in the physical sphere 1.- Civil protection of life and physical integrity
2.- Delimitation of the internal power of its holder
3.- The right to freedom
Lesson 6.- Legal protection of the person 1.- The rights to Honor, personal and family privacy and one own's image
2.- The protection of the person's name: the change of name and surname
3.- Author's moral right: content, nature, limits and protection
Lesson 7.- The age of the person 1.- Legal meaning. Age computation.
2.- Legal age.
3.- Minors' legal meaning
4.- Determination of the scope of power and capacity of the minor.
5.- Minors' civil liability.

Lesson 8.- Emancipation 1.- Concept and types.
2.- Effects of emancipation in general: restrictions.
3.- The minor of independent life
Lesson 9.- Other cases with restriction of capacity 1. Protection of people with disabilities. Support measures
2. Voluntary measures and judicial measuress
Lesson 10.- Nationality and civil residence 1.- Nationality: meaning and vicissitudes; acquisition and loss of nationality
2.- Civil residence: legal significance and vicissitudes; acquisition and modification
Lesson 11.- Declaration of absence 1.- Concept and meaning.
2.- Legal nature.
3.- Provisional defense of the interests of the disappeared.
4.- Declaration of absence: Requirements, meaning and scope.
5.- Legal representation of the person declared on absentee.
6.- End of the legal absence situation.
7.- Absence not declared in the Galician Civil Law.
Lesson 12.- Legal entities 1.- Concept and types
2.- Associations
3.- Foundations
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