Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Computer Science
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Grao en Enxeñaría Informática
  Hardware/Software Co-Design
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Laboratory practice A31 A32 B1 Labs: Grading will take into account both attending the sessions and fulfilling the tasks. 40
Supervised projects A31 B1 B3 C7 Guided projects: The quality of the obtained results will chiefly define the mark. However, participating in the discussions about the different projects will be also assessed. 20
Objective test B1 B3 Test: At the end of the course, a written test will be evaluated the level of knowledge on the contents of the subject. 40
Assessment comments

Those part time students that are exempt of attending lectures, must still produce the results of the labs in one week after the session in which the lab was proposed. 

Supervised projects and laboratory practices must becarried out throughout the normal course, and delivered on the dates set by the teacher.

In the case of the second opportunity, the student may expressly ask the teacher to conduct a written examination on the practices, simultaneously with the official objective test. In such a case, the practices carried out during the course will not count for the evaluation of the second opportunity, but the examination of practices instead.

The marks of practices and supervised projects are not kept for the next course.

All aspects related to "academic exemption," "study dedication," "continuity," and "academic fraud" will be governed in accordance with the current academic regulations of the UDC.

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