Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Educational Studies
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Mestrado Universitario en Psicoloxía Aplicada
  Applied Social Psychology
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A1 A5 A6 A7 A8 A10 A11 A13 A15 A17 A18 A19 B1 B2 B4 B6 B8 B9 B10 B11 B13 C3 C4 C6 C8 Metodoloxía deseñada para promover a aprendizaxe autónoma dos estudantes, baixo a tutela do profesor en escenarios variados (académicos e profesionais). Esta referida prioritariamente á aprendizaxe de "como facer as cousas·. Constitue unha opción baseada na asunción polos estudantes da responsabilidade pola sua propia aprendizaxe. Este sistema de enseñanza basease en dous elementos básicos: a aprendizaxe independente dos estudantes e o seguimento de esa aprendizaxe polo profesor-tutor.
Si se supera o traballo tutelado, non será necesaria a realización da proba obxectiva, neste caso o traballo tutelado pasará a ter unha valoración do 100%.
Objective test A3 A4 A9 Realización de proba tipo test sobre as leituras que comprenden a materia. Se descontan os erros según a fórmula de evitación do azar. Si se supera o traballo tutelado, non será necesaria a realización da proba obxectiva, neste caso o traballo tutelado pasará a ter unha valoración do 100%. 40
Oral presentation B1 B13 C3 O trabajo tutelado deberá ser exposto na aula 10
Assessment comments

It is necessary to achieve 50% of the maximum score each of the evaluations to pass the subject.

Ordinary Exam

The final grade will be the sum of all methodologies. It is necessary to pass each of the parts in order to pass the subject.

If the tutored work is passed, it will not be necessary to take the exam test, in which case the tutored work along with the oral presentation will represent 100% of the valuation.

All tasks must be delivered on the date set at the beginning of the semester.

Extraordinary Exam

The evaluation system will be the same in all calls. The students will be able to keep the grade of the methodologies that they have passed and repeat those that they did not pass.

All tasks must be delivered on the virtual campus as a deadline on the day and time of the official exam set by the Faculty board.

Students with partial attendance or academic dispensation:

The evaluation system will be the same as in the previous cases. In addition, you should contact the teacher at the beginning of the course to replace the master session with tasks consisting of case studies or tutored works.


The disciplinary regulations of the UDC student body will be applied (Consello de Goberno do 28/06/2023), article 11, section 4 b), which establishes the "suspension qualification in the call in which the offense is committed and with respect to the subject in which it was committed: the student will be graded with “fail” (numeric grade 0) in the corresponding call of the academic year, whether the commission of the offense occurs in the first opportunity or in the second. For this, his/her grade will be modified in the record of the first opportunity, if necessary.

Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes