Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Educational Studies
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Mestrado Universitario en Investigación e Innovación en Didácticas Específicas para Educación Infantil e Primaria
  Research and Innovation in the Didactics of Foreign Languagse and their Literatures (English/French)
Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Oral presentation (using audiovisual material and student interaction) designed to transmit knowledge and encourage learning. Presentations of this type are variously referred to as ‘expository method’, ‘guest lectures’ or ‘keynote speeches’. (The term ‘keynote’ refers only to a type of speech delivered on special occasions, for which the lecture sets the tone or establishes the underlying theme; it is characterised by its distinctive content, structure and purpose, and relies almost exclusively on the spoken word to communicate its ideas).
Document analysis Research skills development involving use of audiovisual and/or bibliographical documents (documentary or film extracts, news items, advertising images, photographs, articles, legal texts, etc.) relating to specific topic of study, with targeted analysis activities. Used as introduction to topic, as focus for case study, to explain abstract processes and present complex situations, or as strategy for synthesising content (theoretical and practical).
Student portfolio Folder or binder divided into clearly marked or labelled sections containing record or products of learning activities performed over a given period, with student’s progress charted through marks achieved and comments of teacher. Portfolio includes: class notes, research, project outlines and development, article analysis, summaries, tests, self-assessment, tasks and task outcomes, teacher’s progress reports, etc.
Research (Research project) Teaching process aimed at promoting student learning through use of practical, situation-based activities in which learner is tasked with identifying problem, articulating specific nature of problem, analysing it, interpreting results, and reaching appropriate conclusion.
Aprendizaxe servizo Methodology that combines service to the community with learning in a single project, in which students are trained by working on real needs of their environment in order to improve it.
Oral presentation Core component of teaching-learning process involving coordinated oral interaction between student and teacher, including proposition, explanation and dynamic exposition of facts, topics, tasks, ideas and principles.
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