Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Humanities
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Grao en Humanidades
   Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Knowledge of the different goods and heritage resources and their juridical regime.
A3 Knowledge of the space and of the territory.
A5 Knowledge of cultural and environmental development strategies.
A6 Knowledge of the individual and social human behaviour
A7 Syncronic and diachronic knowledge of diverse current cultural and present realities.
A8 Basic knowledge of the contemporary socio-political reality.
A11 Knowledge of techniques and methods of work and analysis of the human and social sciences.
A12 Oral and written correct use of their own languages.
A17 Innovation in the presentation and dissemination of culture.
B1 Learn to learn.
B2 To solve problems effectively.
B3 Apply a critical, logical and creative thinking.
B4 Work independently with initiative.
B5 Work collaboratively.
B6 Behave with ethics and social responsibility as a citizen and as a professional.
B7 Communicate effectively in a work environment.
B8 Oral and written communication in your own language.
B10 Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
B11 Ability to manage the relevant information.
B12 Ability to integrate themselves into multidisciplinary teams.
B13 Recognition of the richness of diversity and multiculturalism.
B14 Ability to work with international teams.
B16 Ability to adapt to changes in the environment.
B17 Ability to undertake improvements and propose innovations.
B19 Motivation and commitment to quality in professional performances.
B20 Creativity and originality in thinking and practice.
B21 Social sensitivity, sense of justice and fairness and sensitivity to inequality.
B22 Sensitivity for the environment and its protection.
C1 Express themselves correctly, both orally and in writing , in the official languages of the autonomous region.
C3 Using basic tools of information technology and communication (ICT), necessary for the exercise of their profession and for learning throughout her life
C4 To develop oneself to exercise an open, educated, critical, committed, democratic and united citizenship, capable of analyzing reality, diagnosing, problems, formulating and implementingknowledge-based solutions, which are guided towards the common good.
C6 Critically evaluate the knowledge, technology and information available to solve the problems they must face to.
C7 Assume as professionals and citizens the importance of learning throughout life.
C8 Assess the importance of research, innovation and technological development in the economic and cultural progress of society.
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