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Grao en Xestión Industrial da Moda
  Principles of Economics: Fashion Industry
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 The knowledge and skills shown by the students in the final exam proposed by the teaching team will be evaluated. 80
Multiple-choice questions B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 This activity is part of the continuous assessment. The knowledge and skills shown by the students in the completion of deliverable tests will be assessed in order for them to work continuously in the classroom.

In addition, there will be readings that can be evaluated by moodle to make students aware of the fashion industry.
Assessment comments

The evaluation criteria are the following ones:

1. Students who did not show up: 

Students will not be graded when they only participate in assessment activities that have a weighting of less than 20% of the final grade, regardless of the grade achieved.

2. Second opportunity and advanced opportunity: 

a) Second opportunity: The conditions for evaluating the second opportunity (article 18, section 5, of the Normas de Avaliación, Revisión e Reclamacións das Calificacións dos Estudos de Grado e Mestrado) dictate that the second opportunity must guarantee the possibility of passing the subject by the student, so it is convenient to modify the percentages of qualification with respect to the first opportunity. Thus, the activity of the second opportunity will consist of a single final exam that will represent 100% of the final grade and will be done on the date of the official calendar. 

b) Advanced Opportunity: The conditions for evaluating the advanced opportunity (article 19 of the Normas de Avaliación, Revisión e Reclamacións das Calificacións dos Estudos de Grado e Mestrado) will be specific to this opportunity. This will be evaluated through an objective test that will represent 100% of the final grade.

3. Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption from attendance exemption: In the first and second opportunity, the evaluation criteria will be governed according to the performance of an objective test with a weight of 100% over the final grade. It will consist of a test in which theoretical and practical questions will be included in which the students will have to demonstrate that they have achieved the competences and the learning results of the subject.

4. On final evaluation conditions: It is prohibited to access the exam room with any device that allows communication with the outside and / or storage of information.

5. Student identification: The student must prove her personality in accordance with current regulations.

Other evaluation observations. On minimums in the evaluation criteria: A minimum grade is not required in the part of the continuous evaluation. For the whole activities, the student must obtain a minimum score of 5 points to pass the course.

About copying, plagiarism or other faults: it will affect the call in which the fault is committed and with respect to the matter in which it was committed. Therefore, the student will be graded with "fail" (numerical grade 0) in the corresponding call for the academic year, whether the offense is committed on the first opportunity or on the second. To do this, her rating will be modified in the first opportunity report, if necessary.

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