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Facultade de Humanidades e Documentación
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Grao en Xestión Industrial da Moda
  Xestión Sustentable da Cadea de Valor da Moda
   Fontes de información
Bibliografía básica
  • Fletcher, K. and Grose, L. (2012): “Fashion and Sustainability: Design for Change”, Laurence King Publishing, London (UK). 
  • Gardetti, M. A. and Torres, A. L. (2013): “Sustainability in Fashion and Textiles: Values, Design, Production and Consumption”, Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield (UK).
Bibliografía complementaria
  • Burns, L. D. (2019): “Sustainability and Social Change in Fashion”, Fairchild Books, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London (UK).
  • Little, T. (2018): “The Future of Fashion: Understanding Sustainability in the Fashion Industry”, New Degree Press, Potomac (USA). 
  • Black, S. (2013): “The Sustainable Fashion Handbook”, Thames & Hudson, London (UK).
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