Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Humanities
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Grao en Xestión Industrial da Moda
  Promotional Strategies in Fashion II: Advertising and Public Relations
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Oral presentation B6 C5 C8 The students will orally present the digital project at the end of the course. It will be evaluated up to 0.5 points. Another 0.5 points will come from the participation in monthly presentations and other activities carried out in class. 10
Multiple-choice questions A8 B1 Individual multiple-choice test with a single correct answer. Incorrect answers will be penalized. The exam, being an individual assessment, should be prepared using all the available materials on the virtual platform, which means not only relying on the slides but also utilizing the readings, audiovisual materials, and notes taken in class. It is necessary for the students to pass the exam, meaning they need to obtain a grade equal to or higher than 2.5 out of a maximum of 5 points. 50
Supervised projects B2 B3 B4 B5 B8 B9 C1 C3 C9 In groups, students must design and execute a digital project. Students must work on it throughout the course. During this period, students will present a monthly report of results. The students' ability to monitor the obtained results and to identify and implement strategies to improve their outcomes will be evaluated. The total points for this project are 3. The students will also organize an event, which will be evaluated for a total of 1 point. 40
Aprendizaxe servizo A3 B3 C3 C7 Students who voluntarily decide to do APS will work on a digital project. Through APS, students will carry out a social content project that addresses the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The students will be required to work on the project throughout the course. During this time, students will submit a monthly report on the results. The students' ability to monitor the obtained results, as well as identify and implement strategies to improve their outcomes, will be evaluated.
As mentioned in the methodology section, the "APS" activity and the "supervised project" are mutually exclusive, so students will choose between one or the other activity. Thus, the total points earned for this APS project are 3. The students will also organize an event, which will be assessed with a total of 1 point.

Assessment comments


All aspects related to "academic exemption,""study dedication," "academic continuity," and"academic fraud" will be governed according to the current academicregulations of UDC.


a) GRADE OF NOT PRESENTED This applies to students who only participate in assessment activities that have a weighting of less than 20% of the final grade, regardless of the grade achieved.


Students with academic exemption will be asked to do an oral presentation (10% of the score), and present a digital project (40% of the score), and an exam (50% of the score). The project must be done autonomously. Students with "dispensa" may defend their project online if requested. To pass the subject, a minimum of 2.5 out of 5 points must be achieved in the final exam, as well as a minimum of 2.5 out of 5 in the project (oral presentation and written work). The final grade will be the sum of both parts.


A. FIRST AND SECOND OPPORTUNITY. To pass the subject, students must pass both the final exam and the final work with a minimum of 2.5 out of 5 for each part. The minimum to pass is 5 points resulting from the sum of the two parts. If one of the two parts is failed, the final grade will reflect the grade of the failed part evaluated on a scale of 0 to 10. If both parts are failed, the grade will reflect the one with the highest score on a scale of 0 to 10.The official assessment system and dates will apply to all students of the subject, including Erasmus and exchange students. Students who have passed the subject may not attend the second opportunity to improve their grade.

The assessment criteria for the second opportunity will be the same as those for the first. Students who did not pass the subject on the first opportunity must adhere to the following criteria:

a) Project passed and exam failed. Students must retake the exam (50% of the grade). These students may resubmit the project; otherwise, the grade obtained in the first opportunity will be maintained. The project for the second opportunity must respect the contents required in the first opportunity and will not be defended orally. The weighted value of the project will be 50%.

b) Project failed and exam passed. The project for the second opportunity must respect the contents required in the first opportunity and will not be defended orally. The weighted value of the project will be 50%. Students may retake the exam (50% of the grade); otherwise, the grade obtained in the first opportunity will be maintained.

c) Project and exam failed. Both parts must be retaken. The project for the second opportunity must respect the contents required in the first opportunity and will not be defended orally. The weighted value of the project will be 50%. The exam will also be 50%.

B. For the extraordinary call , the evaluation will be a multiple-choice test (objective test withmultiple-choice answers) (100% of the score) with various answer options, whereerrors will be penalized.

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