Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Humanities
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Grao en Xestión Dixital de Información e Documentación
  Archival science
Methodologies Description
Student portfolio Cuestións teórico-prácticas relativas aos contidos da materia.
Objective test Examen teórico-práctico do temario.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Clases explicativas do temario.
Workbook Efectuaranse diversas lecturas para que o alumnado faga un resumo, comentario e análise crítico do asunto exposto.
Supervised projects Individual projects that must be presented orally and in written form by the puil, who will be guided by the teacher. Projects have to follow the formal guidelines, methodology and content given by the teacher. Not doing so invalidates the project. This means that the student does not pass.
During this course the student will have to classify the main Spanish archives a) managed by Secretaría de Estado de Cultura and b) by the 17 Communities. One of these archives has to be selected and studied in detail, offering a description of its webpage, functions, records, and other deatils explained by the teacher. This will be complemented by a records description using the international standard ISAD(G)
Those projects not following the guidelines provided do not pass. It is compulsory to present the project both orally and in written form to pass. Not doing so invalidates the puil for the exam.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes