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Grao en Relacións Internacionais
  Economics of Globalization
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Seminar A10 A11 B6 Activities carried out during the course. This section includes participation in classes and practical activities developed and presented by the student during the course.
presented by the student during the course. These activities will consist of tests such as essays, presentations or text commentaries.
Mixed objective/subjective test A5 A7 A8 C4 C6 Written exam to test the knowledge and skills acquired in the course.
To be taken during the examination period. To a minimum of 4 points out of 10 in the final exam is required to pass the subject.
Problem solving B7 B1 C4 C8 Problem solving and analysis of the global economy. Consists of multiple-choice tests and interpretation of graphs or tables. 40
Assessment comments
By default, students will be assessed under the continuous assessment methodology. In order to pass the subject, it is necessary to
obtain a minimum of 5 points out of 10 (final mark) and a minimum of 4 points out of 10 in the final exam. For students
whose mark in the final exam is lower than 4 points, the final mark will be that of continuous assessment.
Students may opt for a Global Assessment in which they will be assessed by means of a final exam that allows them to
100% of the maximum mark (global assessment). If you choose the latter option, to be assessed only by the final exam,
you must communicate this in writing to the teachers of the subject in the period from 11 September to 11 October.
Final exam which will be worth 100% of the mark.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes