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Grao en Relacións Internacionais
  Economics of Globalization
   Sources of information
Bibliografía Básica

Krugman, P., Obstfeld, M., & Melitz, M., International Economics: Theory and Policy, 2017
Livesey, F., From global to local: The making of things and the end of globalization, Vintage, 2018
Schenk, C. R., International economic relations since 1945, Routledge, 2021
Stiglitz, J. E., Globalization and its discontents revisited: Anti-globalization in the era of Trump., WW Norton &
Company, 2017
Sachs, J. D., The ages of globalization. In The Ages of Globalization., Columbia University Press, 2020
Rodrik, D., The globalization paradox: Democracy and the future of the world economy., WW Norton &
Company, 2011
Páxina 12 de 67
Steger, M. B., Globalization: A very short introduction, 86, Oxford University Press.,
Roberts, A., & LampN., Six Faces of Globalization: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Why It Matters., Harvard
University Press., 2021

Bibliografía complementaria

UN, New globalization report,
IMF, Globalization: A Brief Overview,
IMF, Finance and Development Magazine, Sept 2012 issue: The Global Village,
World Bank website,
EUROSTAT website,
OECD website,
UNCTAD website,

Bibliografía complementaria

UN, New globalization report,

IMF, Globalization: A Brief Overview,

IMF, Finance and Development Magazine, Sept 2012 issue: The Global Village,

World Bank website,

EUROSTAT website,

OECD website,

UNCTAD website,

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