Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Humanities
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Grao en Relacións Internacionais
  International Organizations
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A4 A7 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 B6 B7 B8 B11 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C2 C7 Teaching activity on the contents of the programme of the Course 1
Directed discussion A2 A1 A6 B2 B6 B7 B9 B11 B12 B14 B1 C7 Discussion and reflection on highly topical issues of the international society 19
Case study A3 C4 C8 Case studies for whose preparation or resolution the students will have the orientations and methodological, bibliographic and documentary instructions
Short answer questions A3 Answering to multiple-choice test 20
Objective test A1 A3 A6 B2 Large answer to different questions based on paragraphs of the programme of the Course 40
Assessment comments

There are two types of evaluation: continuous
and global. If a student wishes to opt for the global assessment method, they must communicate this decision to the teacher within the first month of the course. It is understood that all students who do not so inform the lecturer opt for continuous assessment, which is considered the default method. The type of evaluation cannot be changed during the semester.

During the semester, the students will have to do two multiple-choice tests, to assist and participate to the seminars and hand in a case study. These activities will
represent maximum six points of the final grade. Students must be present in at
least 80% of the seminars. At the end of the semester, a final exam of the Course will take place, which represents maximum
four points of the final grade. It is necessary to get at least two points for
the final exam in order to pass the exam as well as for adding the points got for the
multiple-choice tests, and assistance and participation in the seminars.

The evaluation of the students that do not follow the type of continuous
evaluation will consist of two parts, each of which must be passed in order to pass the course: (1) a written exam made up by essay style questions, which will represent 60% of the final grade of the
Course; and (2) a practical exam, which will represent 40% of the final
grade of the Course.

Regarding the second opportunity of exam, the system of
evaluation will be similar to the one of the first opportunity.

For students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic
dispensation of exemption from attendance, the evaluation will consist of a
final exam on contents of the Course, whose maximum grade will be 10 points out
of 10.

Any attempt of fraud or plagiarism in any activities that will be
developed during the semester or during the final exam will be penalized with a
“0” as the final grade of the Course in both opportunities of the exam.

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