Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Humanities
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Grao en Relacións Internacionais
  Management of Cooperation Projects I
Methodologies Description
Supervised projects The supervised work may have a theoretical approach or a practical approach, depending on the student's interests and the nature of the work. Depending on the complexity of the work, it will be decided whether it is carried out and presented individually or in groups.
All teaching hours are in person.
Case study Following the instructions of the problem solving methodology. Exercises, small assignments or practical cases will be formulated to be carried out in small groups of students (collaborative work) whose resolution will be presented orally.
All teaching hours are in person.
Aprendizaxe servizo Service-Learning (Learning-Service) is an educational proposal that combines learning processes and community service in a single well-articulated project where participants learn to work on real needs in the environment with the aim of improving it.
All teaching hours are in person.
Objective test 1. It consists of a theoretical-practical examination of the contents of the subject. The exam may contain short questions, essay questions, questions about practical cases, multiple choice questions (true/false), multiple choice questions or a combination of the aforementioned types.

2. The exam may be oral or written, in person or virtual.

3. They will be held on the dates, times and classrooms (if in person) that the Dean's Office has officially established.
Short answer questions 1. There may be several throughout the course. They consist of an exam on a part of the subject and can be short answers, test type (true/false), multiple response, questions to be developed and questions about practical assumptions or a combination of them.

2.- They can be in person during class hours or online.
Guest lecture / keynote speech 1.- Presentation of the basic theoretical/practical concepts and content necessary for students to find solutions to the problems addressed in the program.

2.- The time dedicated to each of the topics into which the subject is divided will be proportional to the degree of difficulty of each of them. To prepare the chapters that are less difficult to understand, the student may be referred to the bibliography, although in that case the classes will guide them on which specific sources are recommended to be used.
All teaching hours are in person.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes