Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Humanities
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Grao en Relacións Internacionais
  Migratory movements and co-development
Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Master class with combined interactivity. Oral presentation complemented by audiovisual media and questions addressed to students, to transmit knowledge and facilitate learning. The following units will be explained through keynote speech sessions: 1. Methodology and sources, 2. Migration theories, 3. Causes and consequences of migrations, 4. Migration and gender, 5. Forced migrations.
Case study Study of migratory cases to: encourage inductive and deductive reasoning, establish hypotheses, refute paradigms, confirm theories, propose solutions... Cases are analyzed that have to be understood, evaluated and resolved through a process of discussion in small working groups based on individual reports as "experts". The case study will be applied especially to the following units: 6. Map of emigration: case analysis, 7. Map of immigration: analysis of cases, 8. Globalization and co-development
ICT practicals Practices with statistical series, cartographic material and audiovisual media, to effectively apply information and communication technologies to the analysis of migratory flows. ICT practices will be applied especially to the following units: 1. Methodology and sources, 3. Causes and consequences of migration.
Document analysis Introduction to statistical, cartographic and audiovisual documents relevant to geo-demographic analysis, as instruments for application to case studies or as a synthesis of theoretical or practical content. This methodology will be combined with the keynote speach sessions on the following units: 1. Methodology and sources, 4. Migration and gender, 5. Forced migrations.
Mixed objective/subjective test Exam with essay-type questions and objective type questions, to evaluate the ability to synthesize (for example, definition of concepts) and analytical skills (for example, commentary on textual or graphic material).
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes