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Faculty of Educational Studies
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3 Mestrado Universitario en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria: Educación Física

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First Year
652603312 Attention to the diversity in the physical education Yearly
Obligatory 4
652603E11 Educational innovation Yearly
Obligatory 2
652603E12 Initiation to the educational investigation(research) Yearly
Obligatory 2
652603311 Organization and application of the activities in physical education and in the school sport Yearly
Obligatory 4
652603323 Physical education and education in values Yearly
Obligatory 3
652603E1I3 Projects of innovation and educational investigation(research) in physical education Yearly
Obligatory 2
652603321 The learning in the physical education based on competitions Yearly
Obligatory 6
652603322 The sport in the school age Yearly
Obligatory 3
652603003 Education and Languages in Galicia 1st four-month period
Obligatory 1.5
652603005 Education, Society and Education Policy 1st four-month period
Obligatory 4
652603004 Psychological Development and School Learning 1st four-month period
Obligatory 4
652603002 Tutoring and Careers Guidance 1st four-month period
Obligatory 2
652603307 Final Dissertation 2nd four-month period
Obligatory 6
652603306 Practicum 2nd four-month period
Obligatory 12
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes