Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Science
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Mestrado Universitario en Ciencias. Tecnoloxías e Xestión Ambiental (plan 2012)
  Materials Physical Chemistry
Topic Sub-topic
THEME 1.Inthermolecular and surface forces. General overview of intermolecular and surface forces.Physicochemical properties and size.Nanoscience.
THEME 2. Adsorbent materials Adsorbent geo and biomaterials:structural and energetical aspects.Surface areas estimation.Activated carbons.Nanosorbents.
THEME 3. Ion Exchangers Natural and artificial ion exchangers.Thermodynamics and kinetics of ion exchange.Zeolites.
THEME 4. Membranes. Membranes:definitions.Permeability of porous membranes.Darcy equation.Polimeric membranes.Applications.
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