Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Science
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Grao en Química
  Advanced Physical Chemistry
Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech In the exposition classes the teacher introduces all concepts, models, methodologies and theories of the fundamental contents of the discipline program.
Glossary Elaboration of a list of key concepts (terms, authors, typical equations, ...), with their explanation, that arise in each topic. It is a Moodle activity in which the number of concepts per student is limited, seeking maximum participation.
Seminar This activity will be carried out in a small groups.
Certain concepts will be emphasized through the detailed development of standard exercises and doubts raised by the student will be resolved.
Long answer / essay questions Periodically at the end of each thematic unit, including the corresponding seminar/s, a test/essay will be proposed during the seminar classes, so that the student can demonstrate the use and participation in these sessions. It is contemplated that it be done through Moodle on specific dates and in a certain time. The aim is not only to monitor the evolution of the students, but also to promote the continuous evaluation system.
Laboratory practice Experiments related to the concepts addressed during the course will be carried out. It will consist of three phases:
The first refers to completing a questionnaire through Moodle related to the experiment/s that corresponds to develop in the Laboratory.
The second includes the work of the student in the Laboratory: planning of the experiment, its development and analysis of results.
The third consists of preparing the Results Report, which will assess the presentation, methodological justification and interpretation, as well as the comparison with bibliographic results.
Mixed objective/subjective test Proposal of questions and exercises, related with the concepts introduced in the classes of theory, seminar or in Lab experiments, to solve. The student alone will demonstrate, during a fixed time interval, the acquired knowledge and his capacity for solving exercises and/or developing conceptual questions.
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