Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Law
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Grao en Dereito
  Philosophy of Law
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Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Philosophy of Law Code 612G01026
Study programme
Grao en Dereito
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Third Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Dereito Privado
Serna Bermudez, Pedro
Crego Blanco, Jorge
Pereira Saez, Maria Carolina
Rivas Pala, Pedro
Serna Bermudez, Pedro
Vergara Lacalle, Oscar
General description The course seeks to provide a global understanding of the legal phenomenon through a critical review of the historical, political and scientific basis of the dominant paradigm in contemporary Law. It also aims to provide students with a deeper understanding of some central notions, institutions, processes and structures studied throughout the degree, unifying and synthesizing this knowledge. Therefore, the aim is to carry out a work of synthesis and deepening, both historically and conceptually. In addition, it is intended to introduce students to the knowledge and understanding of the transformations that affect current law and which require a revision of the dominant paradigm (legal positivism) and, finally, to suggest the basic lines of a legal philosophy that allows a more adequate understanding of the Law of the present moment.
Contingency plan 1. Modifications to the contents No changes will be made. Only those contents actually developed in the exhibition classes or in the small group sessions will be subject to evaluation. 2. Methodologies *Teaching methodologies that are maintained All the planned methodologies are maintained. Only the realization scenario will change, going from the face-to-face scenario to the online one. *Teaching methodologies that are modified Master lectures and seminars will be held online through Teams. An essay test will be added to reduce the value of the final oral exam and to assess through it the acquisition of some of the learning achievements and skills of the course. 3. Mechanisms for personalised attention to students a) Moodle. It will be used to make available to students the (enriched) presentations of the contents of each topic. This will have been done from the beginning of the course. It will also be used for general communication with students. It will be assumed that all students are informed of what lecturers have published in Moodle. In addition, links to the recordings of the online lectures will be uploaded weekly. Finally, it will be used for the completion and delivery of the written test. b) Teams. It will be used every week for the lectures (2 hours per turn), except for the weeks in which more classes are scheduled. These lectures will be recorded and a link to them will be included in Moodle so that students can watch them if they couldn't connect, or watch them again if there is something they want to clarify. It will also be used for small group sessions (1 hour per week for each small group). These sessions will not be recorded, normally. They can also be used for individual and group tutoring sessions with students (as necessary, according to demand, up to a maximum of 6 hours per week). Finally, they will be used for oral exams, which will be recorded, as well as their respective revisions. c) E-mail. It will be used for the resolution of doubts and individual tutoring with students and for communication with the representatives. We will try to respond as soon as possible, in any case within a maximum period of one week. 4. Modifications in the evaluation The final exam will be worth 50% of the final grade. It will be an oral exam through Teams, which will be recorded. There will be 3 or 4 questions, chosen from a list that will be provided to students in advance to facilitate the preparation of the exam. The seminars will continue to be worth 30% of the final grade and the evaluation criteria will not change. A written test will be introduced, representing 20% of the final grade. In it, a set of essay questions related to a part of the content of the course will have to be answered, as indicated by the teacher, in which the students will have to connect what they have learned with other knowledge acquired during their undergraduate studies. *Evaluation observations: Students who have difficulties in making their presentation in the seminars by connecting through Teams may, after informing the teacher in charge of their small group, follow the system foreseen in the teaching guide for students with dispensation from attending classes. If they have already participated assiduously throughout the course and the difficulty in making their intervention in the form of a question or comment is occasional, they can make it through the Teams chat or send it by e-mail to the teacher. Those who do not pass the part of the seminars in May must present themselves in July, carrying out the tasks foreseen in the teaching guide for students who are dispensed from attending classes. Students of the Simultaneous Program of the Bachelor in Business Administration and Bachelor in Law will take the course in the first four-month period. Those who have to attend the July opportunity, if they have the seminar part due, will have to do the tasks foreseen for the students with dispensation to attend classes. If they have the theoretical part due, they will have to carry out the evaluation activities in the form foreseen for them that is in force when they are to be held (in person or online). 5. Modifications to the bibliography or webgraphy No changes are planned. For the students in the English language group, documents or links will be added for voluntary consultation to websites where they can find support material for the preparation of part of the topics set out in the lectures. Care will be taken not to increase the workload associated with the subject. For the students in Galician/Spanish, the only book of basic bibliography, of which the coordinator of the course is the author, will be uploaded in pdf format to the course page in Moodle.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.
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