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Grao en Dereito
  Prison Law
   Sources of information

CERVELLÓ DONDERIS, V., Derecho penitenciario, Tirant lo Blanch 2016.

DAEMS, T. / VAN ZYL SMIT, D. / SNACKEN, S. (Ed.), European penology?, Hart Publishing, Oxford 2013.

FERNÁNDEZ ARÉVALO, L. / NISTAL BURÓN, J., Derecho penitenciario, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi 2016.

JUANATEY DORADO, C., Manual de Derecho penitenciario, Iustel 2016.

VAN ZYL SMIT, D. / SNACKEN, S., Principles of European prison law and policiy: penology and human rights, Oxford University Press 2009.


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