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Lista de lecturas: En la mayoría de los casos se emplearán fragmentos de las obras, salvo en aquellas que se señalan específicamente. CXVIII Gulliver`s Travels, de Jonathan Swift (Primer libro, A Voyage to Lilliput). Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen, (texto completo) XIX Poetas románticos (poemas de Keats, Wordsworth e Coleridge) Frankenstein, de Mary Shelley. (texto completo) Charles Dickens. Fragmentos de algunas novelas y/o historias cortas. Thomas Hardy: The Mayor of Casterbridge (completa). |
Todd, Janet (1988). Feminist Literary History. London: Polity Press
Pyckett, Lynn (1995). Engendering Fictions. The English Novel in the Early 20th Century. London: Arnold
Hanson, Clare (1987). Short Stories, Short Fiction 1880-1980. London: MacMillan
Eagleton, Mary (1998). Feminist Literary Criticism. London: Longman
Bell, Michael (1980). The Context of English Literature. London: Methuen