What is the MLA writing style? Style and register, formal and informal language, connotation and denotation, post-structuralism and binary opposition, punctuation, paragraph, connectors, the essay (e.g. argumentative and research essays), title, introduction, (hypo)thesis vs. topic, body, conclusion, information sources (web and printed), list of works cited, citations in the body of the text, plagiarism, footnotes and endnotes, etc.
Throughout the course, you will learn to write different texts such as the motivation letter, the professional CV, and the MLA essay. The latter will be the part of the final exam. |
What is critical reading? Different levels of comprehension of a text, grammar, vocabulary, structure, rhetorical figures, story and plot, themes, characterization, inference, deduction, analysis, scope and impact, meaning and interpretation, conclusions, etc.
We will read and discuss diverse documents. Two of these documents will be part of the reading comprehension in the final exam.
The listening exercises will be related to the grammar and vocabulary seen in class. Students will also work with job interviews and practice for the audio-oral test.
In class you will practice listening to the English language. Listening, apart from being necessary for understanding, is also an ethical act and students are expected to practice ethics. |
Expansion of vocabulary, with special attention to idiomatic expressions, false friends, phrasal verbs and formal language
Topics: finding work and describing professional skills; discussing about current issues, both linguistic (e.g. [non] sexist language, [not] using gender markers) and social (emotions, gender, sexuality, diversity and the environment, among others).