Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Philology
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Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
  English Phonetics
Methodologies Description
Case study The use of case studies is part of the methodological framework used in the interactive sessions and it can also be integrated into the lecture class. Students are expcted to participate in these sessions every week, putting into practice theoretical concepts and working on phonetic transcriptions.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Lectures take place once a week. Lecture classes are used to introduce the main theoretical concepts, but they also include questions, practical activities and discussions that help students to build their knowledge together.
Problem solving Students are required to solve particular problems, either in class or through Moodle.
Document analysis Analysis of primary and secondary sources.
Laboratory practice Activities in small groups aimed at creating an interactive learning environment. The activities, which might be carried out in the Language Laboratory or through Moodle, are designed to improve the students’ ability to identify and produce the sounds of the English language.
Objective test All students must take a final test consisting of theoretical questions and exercises on phonetic transcription.
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